Ergonomic workplace with sit-stand desk, ergonomic office chair and pink acoustic wall

Impact of new ergonomics and prevention of MSD legislation on office design


A new royal decree (RD) came into force on 25 May 2024 that significantly strengthens workplace ergonomics and musculoskeletal disease (MSD) prevention. It forms part of the codex on well-being at work and entails important changes to office design and the general working environment. As an employer, it is essential to understand and implement these changes to comply with legal requirements and promote the health and productivity of your employees.

What does the new legislation entail?

The new royal decree emphasises a holistic approach to workplace ergonomics. This means you are not only obliged to provide ergonomic workplaces, but also to ensure continuous evaluation and improvement of working conditions. Specifically, the royal decree targets:

  1. Office furniture: You need to provide employees with ergonomic office chairs and desks that support their individual needs.
  2. Workstation equipment: Legislation requires workplaces to be designed to support workers’ natural movements and postures to prevent overexertion and repetitive stress.
  3. Preventive measures: You must conduct a risk analysis to identify potential MSD risks and take appropriate preventive measures. This includes organising ergonomic training courses and promoting breaks and varied work.
  4. Monitoring and evaluation: A system of continuous monitoring and evaluation of ergonomic measures is put in place, requiring you to periodically collect feedback from employees and implement improvements.

Impact for employers

The introduction of this new royal decree means you will need to review and adapt your current office layout. The focus is on creating a working environment that promotes the health and well-being of your employees.

However, the benefits are considerable. By investing in an ergonomically sound work environment, you not only comply with the legal requirements, but also increase your employees’ productivity and satisfaction. This leads to less absenteeism and higher engagement, which ultimately benefits your bottom line!

How can Pami support you?

As a specialist in office design, Pami understands the complexity of this new legislation and is ready to support you in creating ergonomic and healthy working environments. With our range of sustainable and circular office furniture, and our expertise in ergonomic design, we can help you meet legal requirements while creating an inspiring and productive working environment.

Contact Pami today to find out how we can transform your office in line with the new regulations on ergonomics and MSD.