2 women that are taking a break in the cafetaria

Taking a break, the secret behind a productive working day


Do you know colleagues who just keep working during their lunch break with their lunch next to the keyboard? Or maybe you’ve caught yourself doing it? Stop! It’s high time to take a break and read this blog.

Taking work breaks is often forgotten within our busy and demanding work environment. Employers and employees are so focused on meeting deadlines or certain targets that we lose sight of how essential breaks are for a healthy and productive working day. Giving yourself regular breaks only has benefits, and it won’t cause your work performance to suffer. Quite the contrary, in fact!

Why is it important to take a break?

A whole day of hard, concentrated work demands a lot from your body, both physically and mentally. We often notice that things are a bit slower in the afternoon. We lose concentration and risk making mistakes. Far too often, people see breaks as a waste of time. However, people need rest throughout the day to function properly. No one can work optimally for eight hours at a stretch. Short breaks have a positive impact on mental health and prevent stress and burnout.
Taking breaks is part of a healthy work routine. By taking short but high-quality breaks regularly, you restore your energy levels and ensure that your concentration is maintained. This results in higher productivity, more accuracy in your work, and a more positive work attitude. So don’t see taking a break as a sin! In fact, you are more likely to deliver more efficient, higher quality work and feel more fulfilled at the end of your working day. To get the most out of your break, though, how you spend it is important. Sitting at your desk and scrolling through your emails is not the answer.

How do you take qualitative breaks?

As tempting as it may be to keep scrolling on the internet at your desk, don’t do this. Step away from your workstation. A change of scenery and taking your focus off work for a while can do some good. Also, try to keep your eyes off screens, so no emails, no social media, etc. Also, during lunch breaks, go somewhere else to eat together with your colleagues instead of eating lunch at your desk. Plus, this strengthens social cohesion. A well-appointed cafeteria immediately creates an open and cosy atmosphere. This is how you escape the workload for a while and bring down your stress levels. Active breaks are also recommended. Get some exercise. Regular exercise reduces muscle pain, especially if you spend a lot of time at your desk. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, and re-energise yourself for the rest of your workday.

How do you support this as an employer?

It is the employer’s responsibility to communicate this clearly. Make sure employees do not feel guilty for taking a break and show them that you encourage healthy work habits. Give them the opportunity to plan their working day healthily, effectively, and efficiently. Of course, it is important that everyone is aware of this and does not abuse it. Create inviting spaces where they can relax, socialise, and recharge their batteries. Provide cosy seating elements, relaxation activities, and/or a coffee corner with healthy snacks in this space.

At Pami, we take these needs of your employees into account when designing the optimal working environment. Contact us today for a meeting at no obligation.