
Ready for the future

Telenet approached Pami during the supplier selection process for this challenging project. Several parties were approached, but Pami stood out in their presentation of values, principles and working method. The alignment with Telenet's principles and values was striking.


“The fact that Pami is a Belgian company, also affected our decision”, according to Peter Minnen, project manager with Telenet. "Pami offered the best response to Telenet's requirements by actively thinking along with us and designing customised solutions that met our needs. Pami is more than a supplier alone. As a partner, they joined Telenet at the drawing board and worked together to flesh out solutions for their interior, furniture and tailored pieces.”


According to Kris Legroe, Employee Services Director with Telenet, the most important function of their office is now that of a meeting place. “Since employees are working from home much more now, the office stimulates the connection between employees and with the Telenet culture. Together with Pami, as a workspace designer, we fleshed out various concepts to support hybrid and agile working. The Telenet offices function as a type of city, where the atrium acts as the central square, comparable to the Grote Markt. This is where people meet and move across various departments.” Each floor was fitted with different types of workspaces, such as brainstorming rooms, creative meeting rooms and one-on-one rooms. In addition, there are traditional desks where people work on their own or make phone calls. To facilitate focus work, Telenet and Pami designed the library. This is where employees are able to work fully focused, for an hour, half a day or even an entire day. 


The collaboration was very smooth. At the start of the project, there was a lot of sparring between Pami and Telenet about the detailing of the various concepts, but everything was delivered on time and within budget in the end. And to everyone’s satisfaction at that. Not just the project team’s, but all of Telenet employees. The result is very well received and the employees feel completely at home on their bespoke floors. Telenet is ready for the future!”, concludes Kris Legroe.